Call for Workshop Proposals

Call For Workshops/Hackathons

Parallel and distributed computing is a central topic in science, engineering, and societal applications. ICPP, the International Conference on Parallel Processing, provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to exchange ideas and present results of state-of-the-art research in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing.

The Workshop chairs of ICPP 2025 welcomes proposals for workshops and hands-on tutorials (or hackathons) to be held at ICPP 2025 on topics of interest to the conference attendees. These workshops and hackathons aim to present novel ideas on specific topics of interest or train attendees on new technologies, creating a specialized forum that may open new opportunities for collaboration and discussion.

ICPP 2025 will be held in San Diego, USA, from September 8-11, 2025. The conference will be held exclusively in an in-person format. Workshops will be held in parallel to the main track of the conference, spread over the entire week.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for advertising the workshop, forming the program committees, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, notifying authors of acceptance or rejection in due time, and guaranteeing a high quality program worthy of the prestige and breadth of the conference. Submissions, reviews, and communications with authors will be handled through Linklings. Upon acceptance of a workshop proposal, a dedicated section will be created for the workshop on the account of the main conference (without any extra charge for the workshop organizers), and the organizing committee will be granted access and permissions to manage the different tasks related to creating the workshop program.

For each paper selected for publication, the workshop organizers should ensure that at least one of the authors must be registered to ICPP 2025 to present the paper in person.

Hackathon organizers will be responsible for advertising their event, and manage the list of attendees. They should ensure that each attendee is registered to ICPP 2025 to participate in the event.

Important Dates:

Workshop proposal guidelines:

Proposals should be written in English, not exceed 5 pages in length, and include the following information:

The ICPP Workshop chairs will evaluate workshop/hackathon proposals. The decision will be made based on the overall quality of the proposal and its match with the topics of interest to ICPP 2025.

Workshop/Hackathon Proposal Submission

Workshop/Hackathon proposals (in PDF format) should be submitted on linklings

Please do not hesitate to contact the workshop chairs for any further inquiries.

Fred Suter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA)

Camille Coti  (École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Canada)