ICPP 2025 encourages sponsorship in the form of monetary and in-kind contributions from industry, government, and institutions. Contributions support various purposes, including honoraria for keynote speakers, prizes for best papers and posters, improved social events, and travel support for students. Targeted sponsorship is welcomed and a list of opportunities is provided below.
For more information about ICPP sponsorship, please contact Rick Wagner rick@sdsc.edu, the Sponsorship Chair, or Ilkay Altintas ialtintas@ucsd.edu, the General Chair of ICPP 2025.
Sponsorship Levels
All sponsors will be acknowledged in announcements before the event, on the ICPP 2025 web site, during the conference, and in the proceedings.
Platinum ($15,000+)
A speaking slot to address the participants in an Industry session.
Each platinum sponsor will be named as the exclusive sponsor for one ICPP main social event or other sponsorship opportunity and identified as such through a public announcement and a poster.
All platinum sponsors may supply a limited number of materials to be given to each attendee at registration (for example a pamphlet, or token gift).
All platinum sponsors will be listed (by logo) at the top of a list of sponsors that will be shown on the conference web site, the conference program, on the conference bag, and a poster at the conference registration area.
All platinum sponsors receive one complimentary full registration, including workshops.
All platinum sponsors are given the opportunity to reserve a poster panel to be displayed at the poster session on Tuesday evening.
Platinum sponsors may also display materials on an industrial table set up during the main technical paper sessions.
Gold ($3,000 - $14,999)
Gold sponsors will be named as the exclusive sponsor for an ICPP lunch, and identified as such through public advertisement at the event.
All gold sponsors may supply a limited amount of materials to be given to each attendee at registration (for example a pamphlet, or token gift)
All gold sponsors will be listed (by logo) in the middle of a list of sponsors that will be shown on the conference web site, the conference program, the conference bag, and a poster at the conference registration area.
All gold sponsors receive one complimentary registration for the conference technical program.
All gold sponsors are given the opportunity to reserve a poster panel to be displayed at the poster session on Tuesday evening.
Silver ($1,000 – $2,999)
Silver sponsors will be named as a sponsor of a day’s morning and afternoon breaks, or a workshop breakfast, and identified as such through public advertisement at the event.
All silver sponsors will be listed (by logo) at the bottom of a list of sponsors that will be shown on the conference web site, the conference program, the conference bag, and a poster at the conference registration area.
All silver sponsors receive one complimentary registration for the conference technical program.
All silver sponsors are given the opportunity to reserve a poster panel to be displayed at the poster session on Tuesday evening.
Bronze ($500 – $999)
All bronze sponsors will be listed (by logo) at the bottom of a list of sponsors that will be shown on the conference website, the conference program, the conference bag, and a poster at the conference registration area.